Planning Outdoor Pole Lights

Planning outside pole lights can be intimidating. However, it is easier than you might think. Of course, the difficulty in the planning this type of outdoor lighting is directly proportional to the size and scope of the lighting scheme. The larger the lighting scheme the more the more difficult the planning. The smaller the project, for example along a residential driveway, the easier the planning should be.

Regardless of the size of the project planning is critically important. The importance of planning relates both to the functionality of the scheme as it does to the eventual aesthetics of the scheme. The planning process should involve every aspect of the installation of the pole lights including placement and the materials the lights will be constructed with.

For larger areas including all municipal, industrial and or commercial areas outdoor pole light plans should be left to the experts. These experts could include civil engineers, landscape designers with experience in larger projects, architects, and professional contractors. The installation of this outdoor lighting will require heavy equipment and people knowledgeable in the operation of heavy equipment. Larger installation projects will also require various municipal permits and inspections.

In residential settings, the planning process should include an emphasis on the aesthetic. There are many beautiful pole lights at Home Depot. You will want the light and the placement of the light to compliment or enhance the beauty of your home. Thankfully, there is an abundance of wrought iron outdoor lighting to choose from. Some of the options are more modern with clean straight lines but others include intricate scroll work and may remind us of a more Elizabethan period. Whatever your tastes are there will be a light to suit them as long as you are patient and search hard enough.

There are a number of different placement options when it comes to planning outdoor pole lights in a residential setting. Often two lights can be placed at the mouth of the driveway. Another popular option is place a single pole light at the junction of the driveway and the pathway to the front steps. If possible sketch your house with a number of light placements before you make a final decision.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I was planning to install outdoor pole light outside my home but I thought it would be a difficult task, you blog somehow made me go for it. Thank you for sharing it with us

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