Outdoor pole lights can be used in many different ways. The versatility of this type of outdoor lighting makes pole lights the ideal lighting solution. These lights can be equally well used in commercial, residential, municipal or industrial settings. Generally used outdoors, pole lights can also be used inside buildings. The can be used at high wattage and low wattage. The planning and installation of outdoor pole lights will be generally dependent upon the goals you wish to achieve by the outdoor lighting.
By far the most common outdoor pole light is the municipal street light. These lights are used to illuminate streets, roads, avenues and thoroughfares of our towns and villages. This type of outdoor lighting is for the primary, if not sole, purpose of increasing public safety. Properly positioned pole lights can increase the visibility of darken roads and also increase the visibility of other vehicles and/or pedestrians on the roads. There are, of course, roadways that are not illuminated at night but these roads tend to be lesser used and used at lower speeds.
The average set of street lights are of uniform height and size. On busier roadways, this type of outdoor lighting tends to placed at the top of 50 foot high concrete standards. The light is affixed atop the pole and sticks out perpendicularly over the road way. In areas that have heritage status or wish to capture a certain type of image the light standards are crafted out of wrought iron or a wrought iron look alike substances. Wrought iron outdoor pole lights have crafted scroll details that add charm to the pole light.
Pole lights are also used in various commercial settings. Most commonly these lights are used in large parking lots. The primary purpose of these lights is to promote the safety of the parking lot and to also promote the security of the surrounding buildings. To achieve both purposes these lights are kept on from dusk to dawn. While the commercial building is open to customers the lights increase the safety of the cars and people in the parking lot. When the building is closed to customers the lights act to increase the security of the building against intruders.
In most cases, the installation of outdoor pole lighting should only be handled by professionals. Depending upon the height of the light some heavy machinery might be required. In the cases of the above mentioned lights heavy machinery such as cranes and booms will be required and an experienced crane operator will have to be hired. The taller cement poles will weigh thousands of pounds and the installation of these lights can be dangerous. Once the pole has been placed and fixed to the ground an experienced and certified electrician will need to wire the light at the top.
Outdoor pole lights are beginning to find some popularity in the residential outdoor lighting market. In the residential setting, these outdoor lights have a triple purpose: safety, security, and ambiance. All three purposes are very important and each must be considered when positioning outdoor pole lighting.
Many forms of outdoor lights can contribute to the security of your residence. Police departments all over North America have reliable statistics that prove that correctly positioned and used outdoor lighting can increase the security of your home. The more you are able to eliminate dark corners and spaces around your home the less likely you will be subject to a home invasion or break and enter. Lights should be placed at every corner or your home and every basement or ground floor window should be illuminated. Windows on the second story that can be accessed from a roof top should also be illuminated. Lights on top of poles can work perfectly as outdoor security lighting. Motion detector outdoor lights work extremely well as security lighting.
Other types of lighting can contribute to the safety of your residence. As a general rule every doorway and pathway and set of steps needs to be illuminated after dusk. The lights must be strong enough to clearly delineate the pathways and stairs. Outdoor safety lighting is very important for your family and is also extremely important for any of your invited guests who might be unfamiliar with your home. Many countless and unnecessary injuries have been caused by poorly lit stairways.
More recently there has been an increased interest in using outdoor space as additional living space. Outdoor furniture is now available in shapes and designs that resemble living room furniture. As the "living outside" movement has developed and matured people have wanted to include outdoor lighting to create a mood or certain ambiance. This type of lighting might add to the safety and security of your home but that is not the primary purpose. This type of lighting might be used to create shadows or highlight garden art. The sole purpose of this lighting is to create an effect and is generally referred to as outdoor effect lighting. The installation of garden pole lights can be quick and easy. These lights are generally available in stores such as Home Depot or Lowes. The installation process is simple. It is also possible to find solar outdoor pole lights.
As can been seen from the foregoing, pole lights can be used in a number of different setting and for a number of different purposes. The cost of these lights and the specific installation process will differ between the different lights. Outdoor pole lights might be an ideal solution to your outdoor lighting scheme.
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Though i agree we can use these lights in many different ways but i have not seen such a brilliant use of lights i really appreciate your idea.
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